A smooth bridge between clients and agents
Our goal was to make it easy for the user to find their next home. In just a few clicks, the user can see all properties that are relevant to his search, find more info about it and contact the agent to have more info or book a visite.

It’s an iterative process. We constantly learn from yesterday and improve to be better tomorrow. That’s how we get great results over time.
— Charles Crespinet, Product Designer
Measuring results and iterating every 3 months
We continuously evaluate and improve things on the site. Every 3 months, we take time to discuss the last iteration and see what we can do even better for the next quarter. It allows us to understand the users deeply and constantly make his experience on the site more enjoyable.
Simplify things for the back-office team
The site is completely linked to Whoman, their estate management and CRM. The back-office and sales team member can manage the properties on Whoman, confidently knowing that it will be available and perfectly displayed on the website. When an user asks for more informations about a property or a project, it’s sent to Whoman too. In this way, there’s only one source of truth, making it way easier for everyone at Latour&Petit.

A continuous SEA campaign
Each month we work closely with Latour&Petit head staff to run their search engine ads and ensure that the growth is following their global strategy. We collect data from a bunch of analytics tools and we advise accordingly for the next months.